
Sensor-loaded Seatbelt May Save Fatigued Drivers: Video

Early July saw the unveiling of a clever new car seat capable of detecting its occupant’s heart rate, alertness levels and, through monitoring vital signs, their state of health. The perfect companion for such a seat would be a seatbelt

Early July saw the unveiling of a clever new car seat capable of detecting its occupant’s heart rate, alertness levels and, through monitoring vital signs, their state of health.

The perfect companion for such a seat would be a seatbelt with similar qualities - and now we have one. 

In fact, the new seatbelt (from Biomechanics Institute in Valencia) is already prepared for integration with just such an advanced seat.

Dubbed ‘HARKEN’ (Heart And Respiration In-Car Embedded Non-Intrusive Sensors), the new seatbelt also monitors a driver’s heart rate while combining with smart textiles in a seat cover that measure breathing patterns.

Technology news, road safety news


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