
Saab head of production quits

Despite Saab potentially being on the mend, its head of manufacturing and purchasing, Gunnar Brunius, has decided to leave the company. Mr Brunius worked for Saab for over 30 years.

Saab already has a rather steep  journey ahead as it tries to rebuild communications with parts suppliers so that it can get production back underway. Mr Brunius was one of the key communicators within the company, but now Saab will have to start over.

Lars Holmqvist, CEO of CLEPA, the European automotive suppliers association, recently told Automotive News the loss will make it difficult for Saab as Mr Brunius knew the company inside and out. Mr Holmqvist said communications and parts supplies could recommence though.

"If we are paid what they owe us and they are prepared to pay cash, we would like to help them get back on their feet."

Mr Brunius is leaving to work for Volvo's aircraft manufacturing company, Volvo Aero AB. The question on everyone's lips is why Mr Brunius has decided to leave now after all Saab has been through, particularly in the past six months.

With plenty of potential for Saab to get back into business thanks to the purchasing of the company earlier this week, one would imagine there could be exciting times ahead for Saab. Perhaps Mr Brunius knows something about the company's future that we don't?

The 100-million-euro deal from Pang Da and Youngman is awaiting approval by Chinese authorities, which means certainty on the deal and the company's future is not entirely secure just yet.

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