
Bugatti looking for marketing intern

More than 50,000 Victorian year 12 students received their VCE exam results today, and regardless of how well they went, the following internship advertisement may make a few of them reconsider their university preferences.

Volkswagen of America is looking for a part-time marketing intern to work at its Bugatti operations in Herndon, Virginia.

The job is 20 hours a week and includes – among some rather menial, uninspiring tasks – “organisation of transport of customer cars”.

So if getting behind the wheel of a Veyron sounds like a dream come true, this might just be the internship for you.

Before you get too excited, there are a couple of things you should know.

Volkswagen says candidates must be enrolled at a university and have a “general vehicle knowledge”.

The advertisement also says “pre-employment substance abuse testing” will be carried out, which would be quite a stumbling block for a few of the university students we know.

We’d suggest trying to get a transfer to somewhere like Georgetown or American University, as they’re not much more than 30 minutes away from Bugatti’s offices.

Those interested can see the advertisement here.

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