
Honda cars score well in US EPA fuel efficiency study

A recent study by the American Environmental Protection Agency has placed five Honda vehicles in its top ten list for most fuel efficient cars. The study assessed cars that were made after 1984.

The first generation Honda Insight took top spot achieving 4.44L/100km, only just beating the Toyota Prius that achieved 4.7L/100km.

Coming in fifth place was the 1986-1987 Honda Civic Coupe HF. Age hardly hindering the economically capabilities of Honda.

The 1994-1995 Honda Civic HB VX came in at sixth and then the 2006-2010 Honda Civic Hybrid came in seventh place.

Making up the fifth Honda was the 2010 Insight, strangely placing behind it's predecessor, taking eighth most fuel efficient and environmentally-friendly car.

Cars that made it in the top ten were:

  1. (2000) Honda Insight first generation  - 4.4L/100km
  2. (2010) Toyota Prius - 4.7L/100km
  3. (1986) Chevrolet Sprint ER - 4.9L/100km
  4. (1990-1994) Geo Metro XFI - 5.0L/100km
  5. (1986) Honda Civic HF - 5.1L/100km
  6. (1995) Honda Civic VX - 5.47L/100km
  7. (2010) Honda Civic Hybrid - 5.6L/100km
  8. (2010) Honda Insight - 5.7L/100km
  9. (2001-2003) Toyota Prius - 5.74L/100km
  10. (1989) Chevrolet Sprint - 5.75L/100km

Based on average fuel consumption ratings.

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