
Confiscated Lexus used as billboard for police road safety campaign

Road authorities in Western Australia say the Lexus IS350 was a visual reminder of the consequences that could follow as a result of unsafe driving habits.

A confiscated Lexus IS350 has been decorated with road safety messages and warnings as part of the Western Australia Road Safety Commission's (RSC) 'You See, We See' campaign, in collaboration with police.

Authorities say they used the Lexus sedan as a “visual reminder of the consequences of unsafe driving” – with police previously urging local road users to practice safe driving habits throughout the Australia Day long weekend.

According to the RSC, the road safety campaign started after the previous owner of the car was caught speeding at 205km/h along the 110km/h Forrest Highway – a 95-kilometre freeway connecting the state's Peel and South West regions – on 19 March 2023.

The 26-year-old motorist was reportedly found guilty of reckless driving and as a result, was fined $2000, handed a six-month license disqualification and forfeited the vehicle to the authorities.

The car can be seen with a '4FITED' license plate, as well as multiple WA Police and Road Safety Commission stickers placed throughout the car, warning motorists of the possible fines and penalties associated with breaking road laws.

Western Australia road authorities claimed the Lexus IS350 will be sold, with the proceeds going to the Road Trauma Trust Account – which is managed by the RSC and funds "road safety projects that address road safety initiatives consistent with the State Government's [road safety strategy]".

"The ultimate consequence when it comes to speeding is death. But we know for many people, the fear of getting caught can be more powerful in influencing their behaviour.

"If the consequence of getting caught and losing your car then the disincentive to speed is even stronger," Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner said in a statement.

Ethan Cardinal

Ethan Cardinal graduated with a Journalism degree in 2020 from La Trobe University and has been working in the fashion industry as a freelance writer prior to joining Drive in 2023. Ethan greatly enjoys investigating and reporting on the cross sections between automotive, lifestyle and culture. Ethan relishes the opportunity to explore how deep cars are intertwined within different industries and how they could affect both casual readers and car enthusiasts.

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