
Video: Lamborghini smashed on livestream by hoons – UPDATE

Reckless driving has resulted in a Lamborghini Urus being hit in traffic, during an event streamed live by a popular YouTube star.

UPDATE, Saturday, 25 May 2024: An anonymous YouTube street racer known as 'Squeeze Benz' has been unmasked as Antonio Ginestri, following his arrest by police in the US.

Ginestri is alleged to have been the man behind several dangerous and illegal driving incidents – many of which were filmed, and some involving police pursuits.

According to Yahoo News, police from New Jersey and New York teamed up on the investigation to track down Ginestri.

"'Squeeze Benz' is in custody, thanks to [New York]’s Finest," New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

"One of the most prolific street racers in NYC (New York City) can no longer treat the Big Apple like the Indy 500.

"To anyone thinking about putting themselves and others in danger, recklessly zooming through the streets of NYC, think again! You will be arrested and your car will be seized. You will face justice."

In an interview conducted with Ginestri on YouTube, he proudly proclaimed: "No one is more wanted [by the police] than me."

It's understood Ginestri now faces multiple charges in the states of New York and New Jersey.

The original story continues unchanged below.

11 May 2024: An anonymous hoon appears to have had his Lamborghini Urus smashed into while driving dangerously through traffic in New York.

The man, known only as 'Squeeze Benz' – wearing a helmet and racing gloves – was driving the Lamborghini in a reckless manner in heavy traffic, alongside a BMW and Lexus.

Another YouTuber, 19-year-old Rangesh Mutama – who goes by pseudonym 'N3ON' – was livestreaming the event at the time.

Multiple laws were clearly being broken in the video, including speeding, burnouts, and driving into oncoming lanes.

While Mutama spent most of the video screaming in fear for his own personal safety, and pleading with the driver to slow down and let him out, he later began praising Squeeze once they pulled off the highway.

During the 14-minute video, Mutama made a number of offensive remarks, and tried to deny being involved in the illegal activities.

Mutama's mother appears to have been watching the livestream, sending a message to his mobile phone to "stop it" and "get out of the car, please".

It's suggested neither of the men owned the Urus, with both mentioning their cars were "back at the parking lot".

However, when the antics kicked off for a second time, Mutama again began screaming at the driver – before the Lamborghini was rear-ended by another vehicle.

While some reports suggest it was the Lexus that hit the Urus – part of the gang involved in the dangerous antics – the video indicates it may have been an innocent member of the public that was cut in front of.

It's also not clear where the Urus was hit, with the rear of the car appearing to still be in good condition – raising the possibility that the crash may have been a hoax performed for the sake of audience views.

After pulling off the highway, Mutama and his crew jump out of the car, and the livestream ends.

It's not the first time Mutama has been involved in a reckless driving incident involving a Lamborghini. In early April 2024, Mutama got into a heated exchange with his personal security after driving dangerously in a Huracan in Dubai.

As to whether viewers are engaged in this type of content, between the two personalities, they have a combined YouTube audience of over 1 million subscribers.

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